How Our Program Works       Maximize your Savings!


To help make saving your hard-earned money as easy as possible, has been conveniently positioned into 5 categories. Each category contains separate and unique benefits which enable our members to save literally thousands of dollars every year! Membership entitles you to discounts on a wide range of products and services through and our Partners. Please read below for additional information about how each benefit will save you money!

Dining - Save up to 50% while dining out at thousands of great restaurants nationwide. With coupons such as Buy One Get One Free, dining out is more affordable than ever! Whether you're looking for fine dining, fast food, or something in between, we have discounts available at great restaurants nationwide. From Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and Hard Rock Cafe, to Denny's, KFC and Pizza Hut - we'll save you money on the food you love! Find a great deal at a restaurant near you and print their coupon on your own printer! 100's of participating restaurants to choose from.

Travel & Hotels - Save up to 50% with our Super Travel Rewards Program! You can save money with big discounts from names like Southwest, Delta, United and American Airlines, as well as Hertz, National and Avis car rentals. Earn points from hotels like Super 8, Best Western and more. If you have to spend money for business travel or just want to see your vacation dollars go further, is here to provide you the lowest airfare and hotel prices - Guaranteed!

Shopping - Once you become a member, you can earn up to 30% in Cash Back Rebates on a monthly basis! Shop online at over 1,500 National Retail Stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Marshalls, American Eagle, Kohls and many, many more! In addition, save locally when you shop at retailers in your area by printing coupons right from you own printer! Save money when you shop at Dicks Sporting Goods, Blockbuster, Gamestop, GNC, Midas, Target and Zales.

Attractions - In addition to saving money on Dining, Travel and Shopping, you can save money on the price of local attractions while you're on vacation too! Save up to 50% at places people love to go such as Disneyland, Disney World, Six Flags and Universal Studios. With a membership, your dream vacation is now affordable.

Grocery Coupons - Come join one of the world's largest online coupon clipping and delivery services. As a member, you'll save the time, effort and expense of clipping coupons from newspapers and circulars. No more being limited to online printable coupons only. In addition to our online print-on-the-fly coupon service, you can also use our coupon clipping service and receive the exact coupons you want by mail. Shop and save with coupons at over 127,000 supermarkets nationwide. And although there is a nominal processing and handling fee with this service, you will be reimbursed that fee in additional coupon savings. This makes the coupons you receive absolutely FREE! Here's an example of how it works. Let's say you place an order and the coupons you have selected have a face value of $50.00. The clipping fee we charge is 10% of the coupons face value, which is $5.00 for this order. With the postage and handling fee of .75 cents added, your total out of pocket expense will be $5.75. So what do you get for $5.75? We mail you the $50 in coupons plus $5.75 in additional coupons to cover your small investment! And the additional coupons aren't just any old coupons. These are additional coupons from the selections you have made in your order. This means we send you $55.75 worth of coupons entirely from your selections. Furthermore, if you shop at a grocery store that participates in double redemption for coupons (two times the face value), your $5.75 investment is now worth $111.50! Some grocery stores even offer triple coupon redemption. You just can't lose! 

If you're ready to start saving on nearly everything you spend money on, then is your answer! To become a member, simply click the Join Now button located on this page and start saving today! 





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Click here to learn about saving money in these areas! Dining Travel & Hotels Shopping Attractions Groceries